Monday, May 21, 2012

Testing... First Ever Blog Post :)


^^this is me. lol

a friend advised me to create a blog to help her out (she also recently created one). unlike her though, i am not a good writer. so what shall i do?? i decided i use this one for my 'fangirling'. i have a lot to 'fangirl' about. i love sports, movies & celebrities. so, expect a lot of pics and less text on my blog entries.:)) and also, i am a compassionate person (i claim to be. heh!) who wants to touch people's lives and be touched also by their humble stories. i may also blog about that.:)

that's all for now. 'til next time! 

^^they're so cute, aren't they? :)

p.s. i can't find the emoticons.:((


  1. Mahfriend...welcome into my newfound world where techie is the norm more than the here I am needing help in navigating your techie world. Thanks for the indulgence. You just proved you're compassionate; you're here! A picture speaks more than a thousand words...Angelina and her brood and you're a fish? I'll settle with them for now.

  2. hi there my friend! thanks for all the kind words.:) we're both newbies in this. we'll help each other out in navigating this thing.;)
